Monday, January 6, 2014

On a Dream and a Prayer

I can't tell you how long it has been since I have had a vision to travel to Cuba.  I must confess that at first it was for nostalgic reasons: to visit the place of my birth before I die.  But that initial desire has evolved over time.  My heart has gradually become more other-oriented.  Even though I was always concerned for Cuba and its people, I never put their needs in front of mine.  Recently, my own situation has changed, and my needs no longer seem as imperative as before.  For the past few years, I have been praying about this and for Cuba and its people.  I have learned that God never ignores our prayers, but in this case He has been very deliberate in His answers, albeit they have become reality in gradual stages.

At first He allowed me to go to Honduras for a few days to slop around in mud for a few days helping to dig a well.  Then He gave me an opportunity to go to El Salvador where I helped with a small construction project, and learned about special needs children that a very small, poor church is concerned for in their own neighborhood.  I also enjoyed giving a very brief art lesson in a local grade school.  On the last day of my visit in El Salvador, I got an email from a missionary friend inviting me to go to Cuba next March for a Christian artists' conference on using the arts in worship.  So here I am, in the middle of what I truly believe is God's will for my life, and it is as exciting as it is scary.

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